As our due date gets closer and closer, the packing of the hospital bag has begun. I have looked online so many times at so many lists and while some things are obvious to take, I found there were so many little things you would have never known to take until you have yourself been in hospital giving birth and gone “man I wish I had a spray bottle for my vagina” (who would have thought I needed this, but now I know I am like oh duh vag spritz, I need this).
So what better place to reach out for advice, than from our New Edition NZ followers and I certainly got some amazing ideas! Most of which I am now adding to cart as we speak and my modest-sized Tiba and Marl baby bag has now been swapped out for a small carry on suitcase because wheels – you obviously need wheels when leaving with a new baby in a capsule and the rest.
For me:
Comfortable clothes for birth: I am taking a couple of my husband’s t-shirts to wear during birth as they are so comfy and a familiar smell, not a fan of the hospital get up if I don’t have to.
Comfortable clothes for rest of the time: I have a couple pairs of slouchy trackies, my good old faithful yoga tights, a couple of oversized button-up loose linen shirts for getting the hang of breastfeeding (we hope) and just baggy t-shirts and a jumper.
Maternity undies: I got the high waisted, ribbed Bonds ones. They sit perfectly over the bump, are so comfortable and not totally hideous to look at (not that I’ll probably care by that stage).
Maternity bras: I have only brought a couple of maternity bras, again the Bonds ones which have no clips at the back. Once my milk comes in and these giant 14F knockers probably increase in size again, I will spend a bit more and get a few nice ones.
Slippers and a dressing gown: Just got a giant cheap dressing gown and some slippers from Kmart, easy.
Jandals: For the showers.
Pjs: has some great cheap sets
Your own pillow: Take a bright pillowcase so you don’t lose it (smart thinking).
Phone charger: Do not forget this!
Snacks for both you and your partner/birthing partner: Who knows how long we are going to be there ladies, take snacks!
Large water bottle
Essential oils: If this is your vibe there are some lovely labour and calming blends available.
Handheld fan: Job for the husband/wife/partner/helper
2x small combs: Hold these in the palm of your hand and squeeze while having a contraction to hit pressure points, advice from my acupuncture lady.
Toiletries and recovery:
Wet wipes for down below: Keep that area soft and moist and keep away from the sandpaper toilet paper that’s at the hospital.
Maternity Pads: Libra maternity/super overnight pads have wings also which help.
Spare hair ties and hairbrush
Lip balm – probably the most commented item! Don’t forget the lip balm ladies!
Hypercal cream: in case vagina breaks
Natures Way Perennial spray
Adult nappies/disposable undies: This one by the sounds of it is a MUST.
Body wash
An extra empty pump bottle or spray bottle: fill with warm water and spray while going wees for the first time (genius).
Ural sachets
Shampoo and Conditioner
Toothbrush and Toothpaste: for both you and your partner/birth partner
Breast pads and Nipple cream (if you plan on breastfeeding)
Tinted BB cream or moisturizer:with lots of photos and visitors, this can help you look a little more alive and rested.
Hand Sanitizer: hospitals are full of germs and you will have lots of visitors so make sure everyone is sanitized before touching you and your baby – our Sanitisers are perfect for this and will keep you protected for 24 hours. Plus, no alcohol or harsh chemicals touching your new babies’ skin.
Any medications you may need
Arnica drops: helps with healing
Hydrogel Breast pads
Shower Cap
Sweatband to hold your hair back
For baby:
Unless you know you are having a big baby or prem, take NB size to the hospital and enough outfits to last 3-5 days (in case you end up staying longer than expected). Also, make sure you have natural fibres, wool, etc for your new baby, synthetic fibres like polar fleece cannot breathe and can cause your baby to overheat which is an increased SIDS risk.
Wool blanket: natural fibres which can breathe
Merino wool onesies: babies cannot regulate their temperature for 6 weeks when born, and your body is 37 degrees. They need to be kept warm with wool/cotton, which also allows their skin to breath.
Hat, Booties, Scratch mittens (lots of onesies also have hand covers or socks are a great money saver)
Capsule/car seat: Do not forget this one! And please make sure it is installed into your car correctly.
Baby wipes and NB nappies: hospital may also provide these but good to have some with you also.
Muslin wrap: Add a couple in case one gets soiled
Singlet and Leggings
Woollen cardigans: again even in summer your NB will come out unable to regulate their temperature from a 37-degree little oven – you. Make sure you have enough to keep them warm those first 6 weeks.
Another few great tips leading up till birth made sure you leave a few old towels in the car in case your waters break, and you are not at home. Always make sure you have a phone charger in your car and don’t travel too far from 37 weeks.
A firm favourite from Dr Cat Stone & Jessica Giljam-Brown, this is a dish that can be prepared in the morning then put in the oven when you're ready, and it's all baked on one tray for easy prep, cooking and clean-up! Packed full of antioxidants, this recipe is full of nutrients that support liver detox and digestion, it's a win win in our book and a great one for the week!
It always amazed me, and even more now that there are so many people out there who are either weirded out by breast milk donation or don’t know that it is an option. The fact we drink cows and goats’ milk without question, but the idea of sharing breast milk from humans to other human babies is taboo blows my mind.
Let-down is your body’s natural response to healthy breastfeeding, every mother experiences let-down a little differently and if your milk isn’t flowing as much as you’d like, a few simple steps might just make the difference. Don’t let up on your let-down!