How Pumpd can help with a blocked Duct

How Pumpd can help with a blocked Duct

July 06, 2020 3 min read

I’ve become quite familiar with having at times, rather uncomfortable and full boobs. But on Wednesday I had another new experience, a blocked duct. If you’ve had one, you’ll know what I mean. So here's how I used by Pumpd Pump to avoid a dreaded trip to A&E!
Honest Facts from a Breastfeeding Mum

Honest Facts from a Breastfeeding Mum

March 05, 2020 4 min read

Breastfeeding is an experience I am so lucky to share with my son. I always knew I wanted to try and breastfeed and hoped we would get the opportunity to. It, however, is a lot different than what I thought it would be, also a lot more challenging. 

The First Days as a Breastfeeding Mum

The First Days as a Breastfeeding Mum

February 21, 2020 5 min read

As someone who has sold breastfeeding products and offered support to many women over the years through my job, I thought I would be somewhat prepared for when I got to experience breastfeeding for myself. Oh, how wrong was I. 

Tattooed Dad is pouring breast milk from Pumpd silicone breast pump into baby bottle to feed to his son

What Dad Can Do to Make Breastfeeding Easier

January 16, 2020 4 min read

Having a new baby in the house is a wonderful yet challenging time. Breastfeeding is no walk in the park and can often be daunting for a mother to begin with. Luckily there are many things your partner or helper can do to make this time a bit easier.

Mum sitting down in the bathroom breastfeeding her son while collecting let-down breast milk in her Pumpd silicone breast pump

Busting Breastfeeding Fictions: 5 Nursing Myths Debunked

December 17, 2019 3 min read

More mothers than ever before are going online for breastfeeding advice, helping each other to network and share their experiences. Continue reading below as our industry professionals debunk some of the more common nursing myths.

poached egg on smashed avocado toast with roasted pine nuts is a great meal for breastfeeding mums

Great Snack Ideas to Help Your Breast Milk Production

September 16, 2019 3 min read

If your mammaries are feeling malnourished, don’t panic! Like anything else, healthy milk production calls for a balanced diet. Discover 10 great snack ideas and foods to produce more milk for breastfeeding.

mum breastfeeding her baby and collecting milk in her Pumpd manual breast pump by New Edition NZ while also talking to her toddler

Five Tips to Make Breastfeeding More Comfortable

September 16, 2019 3 min read

Let’s face it, breastfeeding is no picnic. At least, not right away. As rewarding as the experience of nursing may be, finding the most comfortable way to breastfeed is a challenge for any mother starting out. Often, the only solution to discomfort is some good old-fashioned practice.

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