I’ve become quite familiar with having at times, rather uncomfortable and full boobs. But on Wednesday I had another new experience, a blocked duct. If you’ve had one, you’ll know what I mean. So here's how I used by Pumpd Pump to avoid a dreaded trip to A&E!
Since we are all at home with our bubble buddies, I thought I’d share the things my bubble are up to. For me lockdown has coincided with another scary time for new parents...dun dun dunnn “the four month sleep regression” ... jealous of my bubble?
There is another part of new parenthood however I had no idea about. It’s the sudden change from you just being you. The feeling of losing your independence and being at home doing what I thought, was doing nothing.
Breastfeeding is an experience I am so lucky to share with my son. I always knew I wanted to try and breastfeed and hoped we would get the opportunity to. It, however, is a lot different than what I thought it would be, also a lot more challenging.
As someone who has sold breastfeeding products and offered support to many women over the years through my job, I thought I would be somewhat prepared for when I got to experience breastfeeding for myself. Oh, how wrong was I.
As our due date gets closer and closer, the packing of the hospital bag has begun. I have looked online so many times at so many lists and while some things are obvious to take, I found there were so many little things you would have never known to take.